Một số tuỳ chọn cho gói HOST PHP của Việt Khánh

admin 12/04/2016 05:41 AM
Tính năng các gói host PHP của Vietkhanh.net có nhiều công cụ tạo web nhanh chỉ vài click, danh sách hàng trăm website mã nguồn mở trong tính năng :softaculous", tính năng Web Application Tools dành cho joomla và wordpress  cho phép nhân viên quản trị xử lý nhanh thao tác reset mật khẩu, di chuyển host ...tính năng các gói host cụ thể như sau:
•  Ability to Change MX
•  Addon Domain Manager
•  Advanced DNS Zone Editor
•  Advanced Guestbook
•  Agora Shopping Cart
•  Analog Stats
•  Apache Handlers Manager
•  Apache SpamAssassin™
•  Apache SpamAssassin™ Spam Box
•  API Shell (for developers)
•  Autoresponder Manager
•  Awstats Stats
Backup Manager
•  Backup Wizard
•  Bandwidth Stats
•  BoxTrapper Spam Trap
•  CGI Center
•  Change Language
•  Change Style
•  Chat Rooms Legacy
•  Choose Log Programs
•  Counter
•  CPU and Concurrent Connection Usage Plugin
•  Crontab
•  CSV Import (Email & Forwarders)
•  Custom Error Pages
•  Default Address Manager
•  Directory Selection Popup
•  Disk Usage Viewer
•  Email Account Manager
•  Email Archiving
•  Email Authentication
•  Email Delivery Route (deprecated)
•  Email Domain Forwarding
•  Email Filtering Manager
•  Email Greylisting
•  Email Scripts (cgiemail,formmail)
•  Email Trace
•  Entropy Banner
•  Entropy Search
•  Error Log
•  File Manager
•  Forwarder Manager
•  FTP Account Manager
•  FTP Settings
•  Get In Google Plugin
•  Getting Started Wizard
•  Google Website Services Plugin
•  Hotlink Protection
•  Image Manager
•  Increase Website Traffic Plugin
•  Index Manager
•  Install Perl Modules
•  Install PHP Pear Modules
•  Install Ruby Modules
•  Instant Installs Plugin
•  IP Deny Manager

Java Clock Java Countdown•  Latest Visitors
•  Leech Protect (requires Webprotect)
•  Link Building Plugin
•  Mailman List Manager
•  Mime Types Manager
•  ModSecurity™ Domain Manager
MultiPHP Manager  MySQL
•  Network Tools
•  One-Click Sitemap Plugin
Optimize Website
•  Parked Domain Manager
•  Password Change
•  PHP Variables Manager Plugin
PHP Version Manager Plugin
•  PHPBB2 Legacy
•  PhpPgAdmin
•  PostgreSQL
•  Random HTML Generator
•  Raw Access Logs
•  Redirect Manager
•  Remote Calendars and Address Books
•  Ruby on Rails
•  Search Engine Submit Tool Legacy
•  See PHP Configuration

•  SEO and Marketing Tools Plugin
•  SEO Tips Plugin
SEO Tools Plugin
•  Server Status Viewer
•  Simple CGI Wrapper
•  Simple DNS Zone Editor
•  Simple Guestbook
•  Site Software
•  SiteApps - The AppStore for Your Website Plugin
•  SSH Connection Window
•  SSL Host Installer
•  SSL Manager
•  Statistics Program Manager
•  Subdomain Manager
•  Subdomain Stats
•  Support System Submission Legacy
•  Theme Switching
•  Two-Factor Authentication (Google Authenticator)
•  Update Contact Information
•  Update Notification Preferences
•  Video Tutorials
•  Virus Scanner
•  Web Disk
•  Webalizer Stats
•  Webmail
•  Webprotect
WordPress (cPanel)

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